Channel: ORBilu Collection: Philosophy & ethics
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Rigor or rhetoric: Public philosopher and public in dialogue

Title: Rigor or rhetoric: Public philosopher and public in dialogueAuthor, co-author: Burks, DevenAbstract: Brian Leiter (2016) throws down two gauntlets to philosophers engaged in dialogue with the...

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Identity and Rawlsian points of view

Title: Identity and Rawlsian points of viewAuthor, co-author: Burks, DevenAbstract: Does political liberalism’s outwardly universal appeal in fact trade on a liberal theory of standpoints and...

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Are we post-justification? Stout's case for self-knowledge, political...

Title: Are we post-justification? Stout's case for self-knowledge, political justification and public philosophyAuthor, co-author: Burks, DevenAbstract: Must the participant to public discourse have...

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Norms in and between the philosophical ivory tower and public health...

Title: Norms in and between the philosophical ivory tower and public health practice: A heuristic model of translational ethicsAuthor, co-author: Schröder-Bäck, Peter; van Duin, Claire; Brall,...

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Eine Krise der Öffentlichkeit : Protest, Populismus, "Neue Medien"

Title: Eine Krise der Öffentlichkeit : Protest, Populismus, "Neue Medien" Author, co-author: Kohns, Oliver

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Ethik im Feld: Forschungspraxis in audiovisuellen Studien

Title: Ethik im Feld: Forschungspraxis in audiovisuellen StudienAuthor, co-author: Heuser, Svenja; Krug, Maximilian

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Der lange Weg der Interpretation. Perspektiven auf Paul Ricœurs...

Title: Der lange Weg der Interpretation. Perspektiven auf Paul Ricœurs hermeneutische Phänomenologie Editor: Harion, Dominic; Welsen, PeterAbstract: Das Buch enthält Beiträge anläßlich einer...

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Maurice Merleau-Ponty: Zeichen. Auf der Grundlage der Übersetzungen von...

Title: Maurice Merleau-Ponty: Zeichen. Auf der Grundlage der Übersetzungen von Barbara Schmitz, Hans Werner Arndt und Bernhard Waldenfels unter Mitarbeit von Annika Hand und Dominic Harion kommentiert...

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Fichte und der Skeptizismus

Title: Fichte und der SkeptizismusAuthor, co-author: Motz, Oliver Tobias

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Mechanizing Principia Logico-Metaphysica in Functional Type Theory

Title: Mechanizing Principia Logico-Metaphysica in Functional Type TheoryAuthor, co-author: Kirchner, Daniel; Benzmüller, Christoph; Zalta, Edward N. Abstract: Principia Logico-Metaphysica contains a...

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Computer Science and Metaphysics: A Cross-Fertilization

Title: Computer Science and Metaphysics: A Cross-FertilizationAuthor, co-author: Kirchner, Daniel; Benzmüller, Christoph; Zalta, Edward N. Abstract: omputational philosophy is the use of mechanized...

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Church's Type Theory

Title: Church's Type TheoryAuthor, co-author: Benzmüller, Christoph; Andrews, Peter Abstract: Church’s type theory, aka simple type theory, is a formal logical language which includes classical...

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John Locke und wie man sich nicht vorstellt, eine andere Person zu sein

Title: John Locke und wie man sich nicht vorstellt, eine andere Person zu seinAuthor, co-author: Fraissler, Hannes

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Fragmente einer neuen Sprache des Rechts : Die nachgelassenen Reflexionen...

Title: Fragmente einer neuen Sprache des Rechts : Die nachgelassenen Reflexionen eines Philologen über die Grundlagen der Gerechtigkeit Author, co-author: Kohns, Oliver

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Computational Metaphysics

Title: Computational MetaphysicsAuthor, co-author: Benzmüller, Christoph; Wisniewski, Max; Steen, Alexander Commentary: This lecture course proposal received the 2015 central teaching award of FU...

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Title: AesheticsEditor: Heidemann, Dietmar

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Title: ARGUMENTS FOR NON-CONCEPTUALISM IN KANT’S THIRD CRITIQUE Author, co-author: Heidemann, DietmarAbstract: I argue that in his aesthetics, Kant puts forward arguments that help to answer the...

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A Computational-Hermeneutic Approach for Conceptual Explicitation

Title: A Computational-Hermeneutic Approach for Conceptual ExplicitationAuthor, co-author: Fuenmayor, David; Benzmüller, Christoph Abstract: We present a computer-supported approach for the logical...

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The real problem with Rawisian reasonableness

Title: The real problem with Rawisian reasonablenessAuthor, co-author: Burks, Deven

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La Verite Dans La Theorie Des Systemes De Niklas Luhmann

Title: La Verite Dans La Theorie Des Systemes De Niklas LuhmannAuthor, co-author: Sosoe, Lukas

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