Le vivre ensemble et la pensee feministe, Colloque le concept du vivre...
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Title: Kant and the forms of realismAuthor, co-author: Heidemann, DietmarAbstract: Realism takes many forms. The aim of this paper is to show that the “Critique of pure Reason” is the founding document...
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Title: Can Rawlsians be constitutional deliberative democrats?Author, co-author: Burks, DevenAbstract: Most see Rawls as a “constitutionalist” rather than a “proceduralist”. He insists that the basic...
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Title: The real problem with Rawlsian reasonablenessAuthor, co-author: Burks, DevenAbstract: Rawlsian “reasonableness” has been the object of considerable and varied criticism. Reactions range from its...
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Title: The real problem with Rawlsian reasonablenessAuthor, co-author: Burks, DevenAbstract: In The Law of Peoples, Rawls states that, if “political liberalism offers no way of proving that this...
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Title: Referat: Goten, Angela van der: Im Gespaltenen Zauberland. Oswald Spengler und die Aneignung des Fremden. Heidelberg: Winter, 2015Author, co-author: Kohns, Oliver
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Title: Entendimento: juízos, categories, esquemas e princípos Author, co-author: Heidemann, Dietmar
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